The 100 Most Influential Philosophers

As it is difficult to create a definitive list of the 100 most influential philosophers as the impact and influence of a philosopher can vary depending on various factors such as the historical context, cultural background, and personal interpretations. However, here is a list of some philosophers who have had a significant impact on the development of philosophy and have influenced countless others:

  1. Socrates – Read more about Socrates
  2. Plato – Read more about Plato
  3. Aristotle
  4. Immanuel Kant
  5. Friedrich Nietzsche
  6. René Descartes
  7. Martin Heidegger
  8. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  9. Thomas Aquinas
  10. John Locke
  11. Baruch Spinoza
  12. David Hume
  13. Blaise Pascal
  14. G.W.F. Hegel
  15. Karl Marx
  16. Søren Kierkegaard
  17. Albert Einstein
  18. Sigmund Freud
  19. Hannah Arendt
  20. Martin Buber
  21. Max Weber
  22. Ludwig Wittgenstein
  23. Michel Foucault
  24. Jacques Derrida
  25. Jean Baudrillard
  26. Friedrich Hayek
  27. Noam Chomsky
  28. Jürgen Habermas
  29. Ayn Rand
  30. C.S. Lewis
  31. Simone de Beauvoir
  32. Isaiah Berlin
  33. Richard Rorty
  34. Alan Watts
  35. Martha Nussbaum
  36. J.L. Mackie
  37. Iris Murdoch
  38. John Rawls
  39. Michael Sandel
  40. Bernard Williams
  41. Charles Taylor
  42. Amartya Sen
  43. Daniel Dennett
  44. Hilary Putnam
  45. Thomas Nagel
  46. Robert Nozick
  47. John Searle
  48. Paul Ricoeur
  49. Michel de Montaigne
  50. Francis Bacon
  51. Roger Scruton
  52. Tzvetan Todorov
  53. Slavoj Žižek
  54. Jean-Paul Sartre
  55. Gaston Bachelard
  56. Claude Lévi-Strauss
  57. Roland Barthes
  58. Jacques Lacan
  59. Gilles Deleuze
  60. Félix Guattari
  61. Emmanuel Levinas
  62. Michel Serres
  63. Jean-François Lyotard
  64. Jacques Attali
  65. Pierre Bourdieu
  66. Bruno Latour
  67. Alain Badiou
  68. Nicolas Bourbaki
  69. André Breton
  70. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  71. Henri Bergson
  72. Edmund Husserl
  73. Carl Jung
  74. Jean Piaget
  75. Lev Vygotsky
  76. Erich Fromm
  77. Abraham Maslow
  78. Carl Rogers
  79. Rollo May
  80. Viktor Frankl
  81. B.F. Skinner
  82. Jane Addams
  83. W.E.B. Du Bois
  84. John Dewey
  85. Walter Benjamin
  86. Theodor Adorno
  87. Max Horkheimer
  88. Herbert Marcuse
  89. Jürgen Habermas
  90. Frantz Fanon
  91. Paulo Freire
  92. Homi K. Bhabha
  93. Edward Said
  94. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
  95. bell hooks
  96. Jacques Rancière
  97. Michael Hardt
  98. Antonio Negri
  99. Judith Butler
  100. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick

This list is not exhaustive and is meant to be.