Persian Empire Culture Adopted by Roman Empire

Persian Empire Culture Adopted by Roman Empire

The Roman Empire, at its height, controlled a vast territory that encompassed many different cultures and peoples, including those of ancient Persia. As a result, the Romans were exposed to and influenced by various aspects of Persian culture.

One area where this influence can be seen is in the Roman military. The Roman army was heavily influenced by the Persian military, particularly in the use of cavalry and the organization of the army into distinct units. The Roman empire also adopted Persian-style clothing and fashion, such as the “Paludamentum” a cloak worn over armor, which was influenced by the Persian version called the “Chlamys”.

In terms of art and architecture, Persian styles and motifs can be found in Roman art and buildings, particularly in the eastern regions of the empire. For example, the use of geometric patterns and the depiction of animals in art, as well as the use of ornate columns and arches in architecture, can be traced back to Persian influences.

Additionally, the Roman Empire also adopted several Persian customs and practices, such as the use of gardens for leisure and relaxation, which was an important aspect of Persian culture. The Roman emperor Nero, for example, was known for his love of gardens and for importing exotic plants and animals from Persia for his own personal gardens.

It should be noted that these are just a few examples of how the Roman Empire was influenced by ancient Persian culture. The Roman Empire was in contact with Persia for centuries, and the two cultures likely influenced each other in many ways that are not well-documented or understood today.