Astral Time Travel

Astral Time Travel

Astral time travel, also known as astral projection or out-of-body experience (OBE), is a type of spiritual or psychic experience in which a person’s consciousness is said to be able to leave the physical body and travel through time or space.

According to proponents of astral time travel, the astral body (also known as the astral self or astral double) is a non-physical aspect of a person’s consciousness that is capable of separating from the physical body and traveling to other dimensions or realms. It is believed that the astral body is able to travel through time and space and to interact with other beings or entities in these other realms.

While some people claim to have experienced astral time travel or to have knowledge of the process, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that it is possible to travel through time or space using the astral body. The concept of astral time travel is considered to be pseudoscientific and is not recognized as a valid phenomenon by the scientific community.